Let's do this together! 

Okay, I am ready. How do I begin?

Schedule a Consultation

Complete Documentation in the Portal

You just requested an appointment, now it needs to be approved. Within 24-48 business hours, you will receive an email directing you to the Client Portal where documents will be waiting for you to complete. Make sure to check your junk mail folder if you don't see anything in your inbox.

At the time of your appointment you will receive an email. Click on the link using your computer or download the app as directed if using your phone or tablet.

Attend the Consultation

In this 20-minute meeting, we'll explore if we are a good fit based on my skills, your goals, and our personalities. We'll talk about why you are seeking services, I'll tell you a bit about my therapy style, and get a chance to see how we work together. I’ll tell you a bit about my practice and answer any questions you have (about me, therapy, my practice, payment, etc.) talk about concerns, and really dig into whether this is the environment to help you heal. If for some reason I’m not the right fit for what you’re looking for, I’m happy to help you through the process of finding someone who is the perfect fit for you.

Therapy is a relationship, and just like relationships in your personal life, feeling comfortable is essential.  If we determine this will be an effective partnership, we’ll schedule an initial assessment. 

Complete the Intake Documentation 

Following the consultation I will send you inatke paperwork through the patient portal. It is important that you review all of the paperwork, and complete as much of it prior to our first appointment. If you need assistance, please contact me so that I can improve the accessibility of my services.

Just like with the consultation, you’ll receive an email with the session link to be used at the appointed time.

Attend your First Appointment 

I encourage clients to log-in early and to get comfortable in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Grab a water, tea or coffee, or a soda (or all three- one for hydration, one for dopamine, and one for comfort). 

We’ll start at the appointed time.

In this initial session, we will discuss your health history, social situation, have a more thorough discussion of your concerns, and develop goals for therapy. I work collaboratively with you to develop a plan that we both feel is affirming and accessible.

Questions and Concerns

Throughout this process if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

I prefer electronic communication via email or the Client Portal (encrypted to ensure the most privacy).

Scheduling changes can be made via the Client Portal, and this is recommended.

Notice of Privacy Practices